
7 Things to Do Before Putting on Your Wedding Dress

After the many months of dreaming, shopping, and fitting, you probably can’t wait to finally wear your gorgeous wedding gown. But, wait! Here are a few things you should do before you finally step into your wedding dress.
Eat and Drink
Once you put on your wedding dress, you’ll need to be a bit more careful when it comes to eating and drinking. So we recommend eating your pre-wedding meals and snacks before you get dressed. Once the gown is on before the ceremony, stick to clear liquids, snacks that aren’t messy (think carrot sticks or dried fruits), and, okay, fine, maybe a glass of champagne is allowed! After the ceremony and your portrait session, you can be a bit more lax about what you eat—what’s a little stain in the name of delicious food and a great celebration?
Go to the Bathroom
It’s a good idea to head to the loo before you put on your dress. Depending on the silhouette of your gown, you may need some assistance if you need to go after the dress is on, so take the opportunity to go to the restroom solo. 
Freshen Up Your Mouth
Since you're probably going to be doing a lot of smooching on your wedding day, it's a good idea to do a thorough brushing, flossing, and mouthwashing before you proceed with your nuptials. 
Get Your Hair and Makeup (Mostly) Done
Don’t put on your gown until your hair and makeup is pretty much ready to go. And remember to step into your gown, rather than pulling it on over your head to avoid getting any makeup or hair products on your dress. Once your gown is on, be sure to do a spot check and touch up your hair and makeup in case anything fell out of place while you were dressing.
Move Your Body
Between all the walking, posing, and dancing, your wedding may feel a bit like a marathon. So before you jump into your gown, do a few stretches or yoga moves to prevent your muscles from getting too sore. You may not have your full range of motion while in your wedding dress, so use this as a good opportunity to get those muscles moving!
Take Getting Ready Photos 
Whether or not you’re wearing cute getting ready attire or just relaxing in your favorite robe or jammies, it’s a nice idea to take some casual photos with your bridal party before you get into your dress. You’ll always want to remember those last few moments before you say “I do!”
Last-Minute Wedding Set Up
If there are any wedding-related projects you’re tackling on your own, from setting up the escort card display to arranging the favors, do that before you’re dressed. Once you’re in your gown, you’re officially a bride and doing any work (wedding-related or otherwise!) is not allowed!

